

Below are a few comments we have received about The Jellyfish App. If you would like to send us a comment feel free to contact us,

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For over 10 years I have been sending people to the most remote places in Australia the Pacific and South East Asia.

Australia as a reputation amongst visitors as being dangerous!

If you know what to look out for it is one of the safest places on earth. 

TheJellyfishApp is perfect for domestic and international tourist in Australia.

I recommend it to all of my clients.



I love the App. It is so useful in so many respects. Me being a Nurse and my husband a Paramedic we can see it being so helpful to all health professionals. You could literally save lives with the info provided.



I love the new user-friendly Jelly Fish App.  I've a bit of an obsession with the ocean and take every opportunity I’m given to get in amongst the marine life whether it’s for a dip, a dive or an ocean swim.  Occasionally I’ll get stung, and what’s worse that being stung by a jellyfish – not knowing how to treat the sting?  There’s often conflicting advice given at the time on the best way to treat vinegar, not vinegar, salt walter, fresh water, cold water, hot water... so I’m really grateful for the first aid and medical information.  Nice one!


Divemaster and Ocean Swimmer

I like the jellyfish because there's pictures of the jellyfish first aid and I really do like the Cyclopedia, it's cool. My favourite jellyfish is lions mane, snotty.

My name is jet

I am 10 and I love the jellyfish app

TheJellyfishApp has an amazing tool that I recommend to anyone that goes near our beautiful Australian coastline.


Northern vessel management services

I have spent more than 8000 hours under water diving for pearl shell and sea cucumber (beche de mer) over the last 25 years. As recently as last week a diver was stung by a jelly.

TheJellyfishApp lets our diver know what is what when we are looking at different areas. 


Bendemer Pty Ltd

Your application is very informative and will be useful in an educational context.

The manner is which the application demonstrates scientific representations of jellyfish globally is unique. 
This presents numerous opportunities to use this a tool to support teaching of a variety of the Australian curriculum. 
As a teacher of upper primary students this application including its geographical based GPS allows not only the scientific concepts but also linking this to geography.



I like the jellyfish app because that encyclopedia is awesome and when I see a blob in the water now I know what it is. I like that you can send pictures to Lisa and she gets back to you. Now I will know what's in the water.

By Ziggy

Age 10

There are 11 million visitors per year on the Côte d'Azur (french riviera) alone, with an average 44,000 jellyfish stings per year. This is a real concern and it can spoil weeks of holiday season in summer. Your app will allow visitors to know what jellyfish are dangerous or not. The alerts page will also be very useful for visitors, and it matches with te recommendations of the European Commission that asks for early warning systems. It's definitely a great app, well done! 

Moreover, the jelly fish app will be one of the major tools for research within our 4 years research vessel Explorers expedition, to identify the existing species in all the oceans of the globe, and also to identify new ones. We look forward to working with Dr. Lisa Gerswhin and all those who have created this remarkable app.

Patrick Llewellyn & Alizée Chasse

Founders of the Centre Nicolas Baudin research center

Congratulations to you, the team and Dr Gershwin for creating such a fantastic app.  It will no doubt become an essential scheduling tool for filming productions on and around the waters in Far North Queensland in particular. 

Karen Jones


Jellyfish are of special interest to us here in Australia, a land where it seems everything’ll kill ya. Our first year here, we asked about box jellies and were told by the officials checking us into the country “That’s not what you need to worry about mate. You gotta look out for the Irukandjies!” We learned that they’re about the size of your thumbnail and just might kill you. “And oh yea, look out for the blue bottles and the man o’ wars also.” (OK, I guess the blue bottle and man 0′ war are the same animal but I didn’t know that before I got this app!)

That’s one of the reasons my ears perked up when I heard about The Jellyfish App (Android and iTunes stores). I installed it and I’m impressed.  The app will tell you what might be in your area and all about the creatures, especially how stingy there are. It even gives you alerts – warnings of what might be in your neighborhood.

Nice app – very well done. So far, I’ve found everything I’ve looked for in the ID guide. If you don’t, there’s even a feature to send a photo to a marine biologist who’ll help you with the ID.

We often (usually) see jellyfish in the areas in the tropics where we swim, snorkel and dive. It’s nice to see just how much pain we’re letting ourselves in for. -Rich

Rich and Cyndi


Congratulations on your innovative yet practical and very helpful development of the Jellyfish App.

I admit I cannot recall in my 23 years in the parliament being briefed on such a niche and helpful product.  The fact the Jellyfish App emanates from Tasmania makes it all the more special.

From its launch earlier this year it has propelled itself into 55 countries, assisted civilians and medical professionals alike, added to scientific knowledge and saving lives.

I congratulate the team on its initiative and for making the vital information contained in the Jellyfish app available around the world.

Congratulations on ingenuity and willingness to share this interesting and vital knowledge with others.

Senator Abetz Letter

Senator Eric Abetz

Government Support

As the Federal Member for Leichhardt, I am lucky enough to be surrounded by the iconic Great Barrier Reef.

Beneath our oceans lie some animals that can pose serious illness to water lovers and one of them is the jellyfish.

The innovative Jellyfish App Pro has been designed to enable the public that no matter where you are, you can receive crucial up-to-date alerts on what species are active in that area and their current location.  Part of the app also features photographic identification, information and communication with Jellyfish expert Dr Lisa-Anne Gershwin.

The App has already assisted people in over 60 countries by providing safety and education about one of the worlds most fascinating creatures.  It is leading the way as a public health and safety tool that was developed right here in Australia.

I fully support the apps purpose and urge you to download it today.'

Hon. Warren Entsch MP Letter

Hon Warren Entsch MP

Federal Support

Congratulations on the successful uptake of the Jellyfish App.

It's impressive that what at first glance appears to be a very niche product has proven to have a wide application in tourism, research and education.

The genesis of this project in a chance meeting of entrepreneurs and a world-leading academic is a classic Tasmanian story.  That is then led to an innovative product now in use in more than 60 countries is also an example of the digital expertise for which this state is increasingly well known.

I wish the team a continued success with this ongoing, expanding and exciting product.

Michael Ferguson MP letter

Michael Ferguson MP

Government Support

Thank you for making me aware of this unique app and website in recent correspondence.

It has opened my eyes to the importance of knowing what species of jellyfish are in our local areas and to be educated on different species and what safety procedures there are.

I give my full support to this app, especially as it has been developed in my electorate of Lyons.

Congratulations to you and your committee on the success of this app - being downloaded in 64 countries is a great achievement.

Brian Mitchell MP letter

Brian Mitchel MP


Thank you for your email of 15 March 2017 concerning your Australian innovation - the Jellyfish App.  I regret the delay in responding.

I congratulate the Jellyfish App team on their successes since the release of the app in December last year, including its download in 61 different countries.

It is heartening to see Australian businesses and researchers collaborating on the development and commercialisation of new and innovative products - and using digital technologies to collate data and deliver information and services to customers in a global market.

I am also pleased to hear of your plans to establish a Jellyfish Foundation with proceeds from the Jellyfish App to provide citizen science project funding and scholarships in marine biology.

I commend the team on their efforts and wish you every success in your future endeavours.

Thanks you for writing to me on this matter.

Letter from Senator Arthur Sinadinos

Senator Arthur Sinadinos

Government support

Congratulations on being the creators of this innovative, scientific and practical App, the Jellyfish App.

After speaking with you at Agfest, I was genuinely astounded that this is the world's first GPS application which allows the user to communicate, through a feature within the App, to the renowned scientist and Jellyfish expert Dr Lisa-Ann Gershwin.

The fact that this product was created here in Tasmania, utilising a Tasmanian developer, Walker designs, is testament to the quality of the business minds and opportunities within our state. The fact the App has now been downloaded in 64 different countries around the world, speaks volumes of its credibility. 

I strongly believe it provides to the Public and Industry, Identification, Health and Safety, Education and Information about one of the world's most fascinating and potentially deadly creatures.

Neil once again I congratulate the team and fully support the App and encourage everyone to download it today.

Yours faithfullly,

Letter from Senator Jacqui Lambie

Senator Jacqui Lambie

Government support

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